Every day church members and neighbors have opportunities to interact in healthful, meaningful ways. Sometimes those interactions are far-reaching. Sometimes a qualified church member is inspired to deliver compassionate care in their neighborhood and sometimes their neighbor is inspired to express gratitude in ways that touch other lives. Church leaders and healthcare workers in the church, keep this in mind when you feel burned out. Seed to Oaks appreciates your humility in becoming a student in your community, but more importantly your neighbors appreciate the kindness in the care you provide. Church, thank you for being a starting place for your neighbors as they consider their own healthcare journey!
The opportunities that you provide for health education, care and referral, may be the first interaction that many community members have had with healthcare professionals since the pandemic began, or others may have never been part of regular medical and dental care, but you can help change all of that. Your care can be your neighbors entry into the healthcare continuum.
Thank you for saying yes to a Whole Health initiative, and if you haven’t – let’s talk about where you can begin. Contact a Whole Health strategist today. https://seedtooaksappointments.as.me/WHstrategycall or kchavez@seedtooaks.com.